- Hello Everyone
We just wanted to touch base with you and update you on Lifford AFC progress.
We have met with representatives of the Council at our grounds about the entrance to the Lifford pitches and the access road up to the site,( this is owned by the council) They are putting a plan together to improve the area and some works have been carried out already. We have been working closely with the council for the past 5 years to improve our grounds and area around it so to be able to utilise its full potential within the community.
We have a new project following on from the Tarmac road for wheelchair access from last year which was completed on time and budget.
We hope to build a mini club house with a wheelchair access toilet , extra toilets for the children and a small kitchen/meeting community room.
Its been confirmed we have received 7k from local grants and we have raised 15k from the local business community so far, and we are grateful for their support. We also have received funding and support from some of Ennis Municipal Councillor,s So far the trades people within the club have offered to give up their services for free to help completed the project. Work to start on the foundations this year once planning permission is approved.
We have also moved a container to the top of the main pitch and this is gonna be transformed into a coffee shop with work being carried out everyday .
There will be a small increase this season on membership of 10 euro per individual membership and just 5 euro increase per child for 2 or more kids. There has been no increase for over 6 years , but with the insurance, water, electricity, diesel etc all going up we are left with no choice just to sustain the club and break even.- If you would like to help.
- Our Club Lottery is a monthly draw and for as little as 5 euro you will be entered into the draw. You can play on line through the clubzapp app or we are also looking for ticket sellars to help sell books of tickets every month..You can contact John O'Neill on 086 8623774
As a business you can support the club by making a donation,becoming a sponsor or by placing a sign at the grounds. Please contact Donal on 086 8592231.
- Volunteer' s Needed
Lifford AFC is run by volunteer's ,would you be able to give a few hours a week to help out!!
We are looking for people to help with fundraising, social media, be a support for your son or daughters team, help out at the grounds and administrationand so on.
If you are interested please email liffordafc1961@gmail.com
Enjoy the rest of the season
Lifford AFC Committee